Advanced technology to asess fish behaviour and welfare reared in ponds
Five almost identical ponds allowing for pond-level replicates and complete control of fish population
Do coastal reef restoration enhance marine habitat for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)?
Are Atlantic cod using oil and gas platform foundations as valuable habitat? Tracking fish in 3D at an offshore platform in the North Sea
Do boulder reef restoration enhance marine habitat for brown trout (Salmo trutta) smolt?
Pilot Project: Making the Iron Gates Dams passable for Danube sturgeon
Open-Source fine-scale 2D/3D positioning of aquatic animals
Drivers and Consequences of spatial patterning of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Florida Bay.
Turbulent eddies to create paths for safe downstream migration for salmonids and eel past hydropower intakes
Combining 3D telemetry and 3D hydraulics to study fish behaviour in relation to water flow, current, turbulence etc.
A central part of this large collaboratory project is our real-time high-resolution tracking of fish
Tracking of lobsters on a reef
Using acoustic telemetry to understand behaviour of dusky groupers (Epinephelus marginatus) in a MPA at Isla Hormigas.
Impacts of salmon farming on Atlantic cod stocks